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Available Dashboards

Many different dashboards are available to Tableau users. Existing dashboards are updated when new data is available and new dashboards are periodically developed. We have a few public facing dashboards that do not require licenses; however, the majority of our dashboards require a license. Please visit our About Tableau page for more information on requesting a Tableau license. The following page provides an overview of our available dashboards.

Public Dashboards

Public dashboards are dashboards imbedded on university web pages and are visible to the general population. Accessing and utilizing public dashboards does not require an account or license. The following public dashboards are available for your use:

  • Census Enrollment - This dashboard provides enrollment as of the full-term census for fall, spring, and summer semesters. Census enrollment is used for official reporting, and the data is available by various academic and demographic metrics going back to Fall 2016. Dashboard is updated following the 14th class day of the semester.
  • Completers - This dashboard contains metrics relating to student gradation and degrees awarded. Detailed data is available starting in Summer 2016, and yearly total awards are available going back to 1916. Dashboard is updated a month after commencement.
  • Student Achievement - This dashboard provides access to two-year and three-year retention rates along with six-year graduation rates. The dashboard is updating following fall full-term census.
  • President's & Dean's List - Searchable list of students who have achieved the President's or Dean's list. Data is available for each semester going back to Fall 2016.

Internal Dashboards

Internal dashboards are hosted within Tableau online and require a Tableau License to access. Please visit our About Tableau page for more information on requesting a license. If you do not plan to request a Tableau license but are still interested in utilizing data from these dashboards, please fill out our data request form. Additional information for each of these dashboards is available on request.

Admission Dashboards

  • UG Application Funnel - Summarizes the application, admittance, and enrollment yields for undergraduate first-time students. Data is available for the fall semesters going back to Fall 2016 and the dashboard is updated following the fall full-term census.

Enrollment Dashboards

  • Census Enrollment & Trends - Provides enrollment and student credit hour metrics as of the full-term census for fall, spring, and summer semesters. Census enrollment is used for official reporting, and the data is available by various academic and demographic metrics going back to Fall 2016. Dashboard is updated following the 14th class day of the semester.
  • Daily Enrollment Trends - Contains enrollment and student credit hour metrics for every registration and class day until the part-of-term B census. It focuses on term-to term and yearly comparisons. Data is available going back to Spring 2017 and is updated every day during registration and class days.

Instructional Analysis Dashboards

  • Course Delivery Distribution - Allows you to explore course delivery methods (online, remote, on-campus, etc.) for the most recent semesters. You can explore the delivery of courses down to the day and start hour. Updated every day once registration begins.
  • Course Registration Management - Contains various lists and graphs to help manage course registration and course offerings for the upcoming semester. Updated every day once registration begins.
  • Grade Distributions - Contains grade distributions for different courses and sections for administrators and academic departments use. Data is available from Fall 2016 onward and is updated shortly after grades are finalized. 

Student Success Dashboards

  • Student Registration Outreach - Provides access to student records who are eligible to enroll for the upcoming or ongoing semester. Focuses on self-service lists that provide simple and actionable insights for advisors and administrators. Updated every day once registration begins.
  • Retention & Graduation Rates - Focuses on retention and graduation rates for our first-time, full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students. Data is available starting with the Fall 2007 cohort. Updated following the fall full-term census. 
  • Completers - Contains metrics relating to student gradation and degrees awarded. Detailed data is available starting in Summer 2016, and yearly total awards are available going back to 1916. Dashboard is updated a month after commencement.
  • Population Changes - Provides detailed insights into understanding your student population each semester. The dashboard focuses on answering two questions: For each semester, where are your students coming from, and where are they going? Data is available for fall, spring, and summer semesters starting in Fall 2016. Updated following the 14th class day of the semester.

Survey Dashboards

  • Non-Returner Student Survey - Contains visualizations built on the results of the most recent non-returner survey. The survey collects feedback from former students regarding their decision to not continue their enrollment at UL Lafayette.