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Data Request Form

The Office of Institutional Research can provide analysis on a variety of institutional data in addition to reports posted on the website. If the information you are seeking cannot be found on the IR website, please use this form to request additional data.

If you are requesting support with research surveys and/or distribution lists of potential participants, please send your IRB application and approval to

Click here to Request Data

We strive to return requested data as quickly as possible. Please give as much notice as possible when requesting data with a deadline. Please allow three weeks to process a request. We may need additional time, which will depend on the complexity of the request and the number of requests in our queue. For questions about requesting data, please contact Lisa Lord at

Data Partners

We work with data partners across campus to connect requestors with specialized institutional data. If IR is unable to provide a requested set of data directly, we will coordinate with the appropriate office to assist you.

Type of Support Institutional Research Business Intelligence Data Partners
Research and analysis    
Official census and external reporting    
Tableau dashboards    
Longitudinal, trend data for enrollment, courses, degrees awarded, etc.    
Datasets for research purposes (thesis, dissertation, publication, etc.)    
Cognos report development/assistance for internal use    
Integrations, data feeds with 3rd party products, and data extracts    
Specialized datasets for operational purposes, such as data from Graduate School, Human Resources, Registrar’s Office, etc.